Saturday 9 December 2006

Stanley Spencer

Just like photography some fine art painters also try to convey a narrative in one image and these two examples of Stanley Spencers work show that he used a great deal of narrative in his work. "Resurrection in Cookham"

is a great example of this, as here spencer shows the population of cookham popping out of the graves, squinting in the sunshine as it is a beautiful sunnyday, and in the top left hand coner of the painting he shows people being carried away on boats in the river Thames, signifing the risen souls being transported to heaven on steam boats.

Stanley Spencer was a fine art painter born in 1891 in the village of cookham fourty mintues outside of London. Stanleys home village played a major part in his art work, as well as his religion, as he was a devout Christian. Stanley's close community upbringing and family life, was central to his life and the work that he produced as his home village and his religion were the themes he produced his work around. He was a devout Christian and believed that God could be found any where and in everyday events. In his paintings Cookham became the setting and backdrop for scenes from the bibal like this painting of Christ carring the cross through Cookham.

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