Saturday 9 December 2006

Gregory Crewdson includes Cindy Sherman in his influences Cindy was born also in the east coast of america in New Jersey in 1954, she also is an american photographer. What stands out about Cindys work is that she try's to convey a narrative by including herself in her own work. Her photographs show her dressed up in wigs, hats and dresses playing roles of characters usually calling attention to woman sterotypes in film, television and magazines. Many mistake her work as selft portaits but thery are not in each photo Cindy plays a type, not an actual person, but a self fabricted, fictional one like a housewife, prostitute or a lady indistress. Cindy communicites to the viewer that these works are not meant to depict Cindy the person, by titling each photo "untitled" and by numbering them aswell. I myself feel Crewdsons work is more successful in showing a narrative in a single image than Cindys as i feel that Cindys work has very strong feminist links, which put me off her work while the dramatic lighting and staging of Crewdson's images draw me in to his narrative.

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