Saturday 9 December 2006

Edward Hopper

(Edward Hopper- "Gas station) (Edward Hopper - " Nighthawks")
As well as Stanley Spencer another fine art painter that produces work that conveys's a narrative in one image is Edward Hopper, my personal opinion is that i feel the art work produced by Hopper is very similar to that of the work produced by the photographer Gregory Crewdson where as Crewdson's images bring across a feeling of unease, tension and anxiety, the paintings of Hopper such as "Nighthawks" and "Gas station" convey a mood of loneliness and desolation, by their emptiness and non-communicating figures. I believe that the feelings produced by the images is what draw's the viewer in to the narrative of both respecting artists work. The mysterious and haunting feel of Hopper's work makes the viewer want to imagine why the characters are there and whats going to happened next, making his work successful in conving a narrative. I also feel the emptiness of the surroundings of the backgrounds in Hoppers work is similar to that of Crewdson's as eventhough Crewdson's images are set in the surburbs the backgrounds are annoymous aswell which adds to the haunting feel of anxiety in Crewdsons work much like that of Hoppers, which all adds to dragging the viewer in to the narrative.

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